NJROTC Ribbons
Reminder: Make sure you wear your ribbons in the correct order (for example, if you only had a Participation ribbon and Unit service ribbbon, Unit service would be last because of the order of precedence). Also if your ribbon has blue on it, make sure the blue is the first to face inward (toward your heart). This only applies to the following ribbons: 3-Distinguished Cadet Ribbon, 15-Physical Fitness Ribbon, 17-Unit service Ribbon and 20-Color Guard Ribbon.
Also, If you have attained medals from other organizations, you would wear them from most Senior (basically the first medal you received would always be on the top row). Starting right below your ribbons above your left breast pocket, only 3 medals per row. Once you have 3 on the first row you go 1/4 inch below your left breast pocket and start from there.
The ribbons from other organizations would go always after your NJROTC ribbons, meaning if you had all 25 NJROTC ribbons, a ribbon from another organization would be to the after of Sea Cruise ribbon.
Do you still not know your ribbon's order?

1.Meritorious Achievement- Awarded to any NJROTC cadet who distinguishes him/herself by outstanding meritorious achievement. Awarded on a case-by-case basis by the area manager.
2.Distinguished Unit- Awarded yearly to cadets who were unit members during the academic year in which the school earned the Distingished unit status. Awarded only to 30 % of the NJROTC schools in the program.
3.Distinguished Cadet-Awarded yearly to one cadet in each year group with the highest combined average for overall scholastic standing and aptitude in NJROTC unit activities (includes academics, homework, physical fitness, community service, drill,etc.)
4.Honor Cadet- Awarded yearly to one cadet in each year group with the highest overall academic achievement (GPA) in school, including naval science courses. 5.Cadet Acheivement - Awarded, when earned, to any cadet who distinguishes himself/herself by outstanding achievement or sustained superior performance.The cadet must exhibit exceptional military aptitude and dedication to the program as well as overall excellence in all facets of NJROTC.Awarded on a case-by-case basis by the area manager. 6.Unit Acheivement- Awarded to cadets in good standing who were unit members during the academic year in which the school earned the Unit Achievement status as determined by the Area Manager. Awarded only to those units that demonstrated exceptional performance but did not qualify for Distinguished Unit status. 7. Aptitude Award- Awarded yearly to the top 10 percent of the cadets based on evaluation of aptitude. 8. Naval Science 4 Outstanding Cadet- Awarded yearly to outstanding cadets in Naval Science 4 based on citizenship, academic performance, personal appearance and conduct. 9. Naval Science 3 Outstanding Cadet- Awarded yearly to outstanding cadets in Naval Science 3. Same criteria as above. 10. Naval Science 2 Outstanding Cadet- Awarded yearly to outstanding cadets in Naval Science 2. Same criteria as above. 11. Naval Science 1 Outstanding Cadet- Awarded yearly to outstanding cadets in Naval Science 1. Same criteria as above. 12. Exemplary Conduct- Awarded yearly to each cadet who demonstrates exemplary conduct for the year. 13. Academic Award- Awarded, when earned, to each member in good standing who has met any of the following academic requirements: A. Honor Roll - Awarded to a cadet who completes the marking periods on the school honor roll equal to 50 percent of the academic year (not necessarily sequential). Awarded once annually upon completion of the minimum requirement. Award is the ribbon with a gold lamp device. B. Academic Team - Awarded to a cadet who has entered any 3 academic competitions. Awarded once annually upon completion of the minimum requirement. Award is the ribbon with a silver lamp device. C. When both the honor roll and academic team awards have been earned, the lamps are position side-by-side on the ribbon, with the gold lamp on the wearer's right. Subsequent award stars are worn outboard of the appropriate lamp. 14. Exemplary Personal Appearance- Awarded twice a year to each cadet who displays exemplary personal appearance and has worn his/her uniform on all occasions required. 15. Physical Fitness- Awarded twice a year to any cadet who meets or exceeds the minimum requirements as defined in the Cadet Field Manual for your specific age. 16. Participation- Awarded, when earned, to any cadet who has participated in three activities other than routine unit activities. 17. Unit Service- Awarded to any cadet who has demonstrated exemplary service anddedication to the unit as determined by the NSI. 18. Community Service- Awarded, when earned, to any cadet in good standing who distinguishes himself/herself by meritorious service to the community. 19. Drill Team- Awarded, when earned, to each member of a drill team in good standing, who has entered a competition or performed at three or more official functions. 20. Color Guard- Awarded, when earned, to each member of a color guard in goodstanding who has entered a competition or performed at three or more official functions. 21. Pistol/Rifle Team- Awarded, when earned, to any cadet in good standing who has entered any competition including all air-powered weapons. 22. Orienteering- Awarded twice a year, to any cadet in good standing who meets orienteering standards. 23. Recruiting- Awarded, when earned, to a cadet who is instrumental in the enrollment of two students in the NJROTC program. Subsequent awards are given when two additional students are enrolled. 24.Basic Leadership Training- Awarded to any cadet upon satisfactory completion of mini-boot camp, Leadership Academy, or similar training as approved by the area manager. 25. Sea Cruise- Awarded to any cadet upon completion of an at-sea cruise (vessel must be cast off lines and be underway). See Cadet Field Manual for information on Lamps, Torches, Anchors and Stars